Step 1: Set up the company profile
Riko Muttik avatar
Written by Riko Muttik
Updated over a week ago

The very first thing you should do after creating your account with PARiM is to go to the System settings page and fill in all the necessary details about your company, choose the settings, upload your logo, edit the FAQ section and define your departments if you have them. This information can be added and edited only by the users with Superadmin role rights within the system.

The System Settings can be found by hovering over the profile icon in the top right-hand corner on the blue menu bar.

Company details

First of all - go ahead and check out the General Settings section, where you can fill in information about your company (name, address, phone number, time zone, currency etc).

To edit this information, just fill in the information or make any changes in it that you wish and then click anywhere on the screen to save the changes.

In the System Settings page you can also upload your logo, which will be displayed on your login page as well as other places on the site.

To upload a logo:

1. go to the logo upload section on at the top of Company Details and click on 'add logo file';

2. choose the file from your computer;

3. the logo will now upload and you should see it in the "Company Logo" section.

2. the logo will now upload and you should see it in the logo section.

Company Settings

On the left-hand side you will see the settings list for Scheduling, People, Notifications and more. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with these settings as they enable you to customise and set up the system according to your company’s needs and processes.

You can turn the settings for the portal ON or OFF. If you're not sure what these settings mean, there is a little 'i' icon next to each setting - if you hover your mouse over this it will give you a short explanation of what this setting does.

Editing the FAQ section

Another thing you should do when setting up your company’s profile is edit the FAQ section - it's located in the People Settings under the Staff Portal section.

You can click on the 'Staff Portal FAQ' and edit them to make them company specific - we strongly recommend you do this because your staff members can see this in the PARiM web portal by clicking on their name in the top right to open the menu, so if they have any questions they can have a look at the FAQ first.

Company departments

Under System Settings there's also the Company Departments section - here you can define different departments if you're a bigger company or even just use it to differentiate between different parts of a building if you'd like. You can assign both your staff members and locations into departments and then use them to filter your schedule view by them or run reports.


Now that you have successfully updated all the essential information about your company, it's time to move on to Step 2 of getting you started - adding your first staff members.

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