Holiday Pay & Charge Rules
Alo Leilop avatar
Written by Alo Leilop
Updated over a week ago

This article gives an overview of the new holiday pay and charge rules. Our service is global and every country has its own national holidays and legislation regarding working on those days. Therefore, we aimed to create a very flexible rule system to accommodate all clients.

Pay and Charge rules functionality is almost identical. The screenshots used in the article are from the Pay Rules page, but they apply to Charge rules as well. The only difference is that the word "pay" has been replaced with "charge".

1. Video Introduction to the new Pay Manager

2. Holiday Pay & Charge Rules

You can find new Holiday rules under the Pay & Charge menu.

The left side of the page consists of filters. These are used to locate pay rules related to specific positions, locations, clients and other options.

The Middle area of the page is dedicated to displaying specific pay rules and information about them.

The right upper area of the page has the tools needed to add new pay rules, export pay rules, choose columns for the middle area and a shortcut to system settings to manage bank holidays.

The page layout for the Charge rules is identical.

2.1 Holiday Pay & Charge Rules filter

The arrow allows you to hide or show the filter bar.

Here you can choose between different views or save your own view for future use.

Here you can choose to choose between active or inactive pay rules.

Here you can select the year and you will only see pay rules that are active on a specific year.

It's possible to filter rules that only apply to specific positions, locations or clients.

If you need more filters, click on +Add Filter to see additional options that are available.

The charge rules page filter has the same functionality.

2.2 Holiday Pay Rules Table

If you don't want to use the filter to find a specific pay rule, you can use the search bar.

By using the tick-boxes, you can select multiple pay rules and click "Show selected" to switch between seeing all pay rules and only the selected ones.

The three dots menu allows you to either view or edit a specific pay rule.

You can select which information you want to see about the pay rules in the columns menu.

The Charge Rules table has the same functionality.

2.3 Creating a new Holiday Pay or Charge Rule

The first thing to choose when setting up a holiday pay rule is which holiday it applies to. You can add multiple holidays here.

The next options define the extra pay that an employee receives. Options are:

1) Multiplier. Employee's regular pay is multiplied by 1.5x, 2x or by another factor.

2) Additional amount. Employee get's a fixed amount additional to their regular pay. This can be either extra hourly pay or a fixed amount paid extra for the whole shift.

3) Overwrite. Employee's regular pay gets overwritten by the new value.

Entering pay code is optional, but a useful feature if your organisation uses pay codes or pay elements to track different payment types.

Apply to Only Crossing Hours is used if your organisation pays holiday rate for hours that are within the holiday.

Apply to All Shift Hours allows you to set up a pay rule where employee's full shift is paid holiday rate if a part of it coincides with a bank holiday. You can also choose if the rule applies if the shift starts or ends during the bank holiday.

Applies to allows you to choose the targets of the pay rule. As you can see on the above screenshot, there are many different options to choose in between. You can combine the target categories for the rules any way you want and use +Add to add multiple targeting criteria for the pay rule.

Creating a new Holiday Charge rule follows the same process on the Holiday Charge rules page.

2.4 Additional Holiday Pay and Charge rule options

The menu found in the upper right corner contains some additional options and information.

It displays a counter of Holidays and related pay rules set up in the system.

You can export the file as a .CSV file or print it on paper or as a PDF.

And finally, the leftmost button allows you to go straight to "Add Holiday" functionality.

The Holiday Charge rules page offers the same functionality.

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