All Collections
Using PARiM as a manager
Getting started: key steps
Importing Data
Admin Portal Overview
Download Getting Started PDF Manual
Mobile app overview for managers
How to upload our company's logo to the login page?
How to use the filter bar?
How to subscribe to PARiM software?
I forgot my password - how can I login?
How to change my password as Supervisor or Admin?
How to add more admin users?
Webinar recordings
Choosing the Right PARiM Module for Your Business
Sample Data
What is the difference between a Shift and a Job?
Scheduling Tools
Shift Task List (beta)
Smart Schedule - Overview
Shift actions - copy, delete, assign multiple shifts
Adding Shifts
Multi-shift creation
Assigning Shifts
How to use the ''Fill period'' option?
Publishing shifts and sending schedules
Delete and Unassign shifts
Inviting available people to apply
Shift Statuses
Creating a Shift Pattern
ON/OFF Shift Patterns
How to Edit a Pattern?
How to Extend a Pattern?
How to end a Pattern?
Shift Confirmation - how does it work?
Shifts List - delete shifts, accept applications, unassign shifts
Shift Cancellation Reasons
General Availability Feature Overview
Marking people as 'unavailable'
Adding and Managing Availability and Unavailability via app
Marking people as 'available'
Shift Tags
Adding Jobs
Job Statuses
Edit Shift or Job
Unassigning and deleting Jobs
How to delete multiple shifts in one go?
Statistics Bar on the Schedule page
Publishing your finished schedule and sending rotas
Organising the work process
Creating shifts
Setting up Absences
Adding and Managing Absences via Mobile App
Absences Overview - Holiday, Sickness, Other
Setting up pay types for absences
Adding Absence Types into the system
Tracking absences
Splitting absence pay between periods
Editing and deleting absences
Absence requests
Adding absences to people
Absences Calendar
Become a Scheduling Pro: 7 Tricks for Scheduling Efficiency
Timesheets List - Actions
Time Clock - real-time people attendance monitoring
Tracking Time and Attendance
Timesheets List - Overview
Time Clock - Clocking history sidebar
'Send my location' feature on the app
Why doesn't clocking location show on the Time Clock page?
How to Approve Timesheets as an Admin
Timesheets List - filtering out problematic timesheets
Adding Locations to Client
Add People to Location's Preferred or Banned list
Adding Qualifications to Locations
Locations overview
Location actions
Location Documents
Adding notes to Location
Adding department to a location
Viewing and adding contact persons to locations
Editing Basic Location Information
How to adjust Location Pin's location?
Client Portal Overview
Adding Clients
Viewing and Adding Contact Persons to Clients
Giving access to a client contact person
Adding and Editing Locations for Clients
Adding Notes to Client
Client Documents
Client Feedback
Editing Basic Client Information
Clients Overview
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for administrators
How do departments work in Parim?
Understanding User Roles
Using Qualifications as a requirement
How to activate people?
How to resend and update people´s login details?
How to add an SIA Badge to an employee?
How to track Qualifications' expiry?
Is it possible to set more than one role to employee?
How to prompt people to log in for the first time?
HR Management / People page
Assets Management Module Overview
Adding People Into the System
Giving access to the people portal
Account Status overview
How to edit Account Statuses?
On Hold status - how does it work?
Adding positions to the system
Adding positions to people
Adding qualifications to the system
Adding Qualifications to People
Understanding User Statuses
Add User Role
Editing permissions for roles
Last Shift - when staff last worked?
How to End Contract for People?
How to reinstate a Previous Employee?
Health and Look details
Adding Background Information
Adding notes to People
Adding documents to people
Uploading/adding profile photos to people
Editing Main Information
Change person's password
Delete People
Adding assets to employees
How to create a new Department?
Employment Types
How to add Employment Types to multiple people?
How to add Pay Schedule to Employment Type?
How to add or edit Work Time Rules for Employment Type?
How to edit and end Contract for Employee?
Work time rules
Document Management
Uploading documents to all people
Pay & Charge rules Overview
PARiM Pay Manager release
How to edit Pay Schedule for Employment Type?
Adding an Expense to People
Holiday Pay & Charge Rules
Adjusting the pay rates due to the National Minimum/Living Wage (NMW/NLW) increase
Pay Run report - Timesheets included setting
Pay Run report - third level approval with Pay Lock
Pay Schedule overview
Pay Run report - Unscheduled pay period
Pay Run report - filter bar
How to add and edit Pay Schedules?
Pay Run report - Conflict warning
Pay Run report - Actual Hours vs Scheduled Hours
Pay Run report - Overview
Deducting from pay
Pay and Charge Rules
How to add new pay or charge rule?
How to edit or update pay or charge rule?
How to delete pay or charge rule?
Priority List for Pay and Charge rules
Rule Template - how to add and use
Invoicing report
Web browser and mobile phone troubleshooting
Why cant employees cancel shifts?
Pay Run report - why the data is missing?
Why can't client see shifts on their portal?
Why can't people see Open Shifts?
Why PARiM is not loading correctly - 5 steps to check
Why don't I get an email if a person accepts/declines a shift
Why can't I see people on the Schedule calendar?
Why can't I apply pattern changes?
Why are the hours showing differently on reports?
Why the data is not correct in the CSV file?
Updating PARIM App
How to report bugs to PARiM customer support?