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Adding an Expense to People

Add expense, staff, shift

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated this week

Expenses are available from the Professional plan and higher.

Expenses can be added by both admins and people. When an expense is added then it at first will be unconfirmed and will need to be confirmed as a separate step - this applies for both when the admin adds the expense and when staff does.

Expenses can be added to people directly in the shift dialogue window - the expense will be then tied to a person's particular shift.

1. Go to the Schedule calendar and click on the shift to open it. On the right-hand upper corner, you will find multiple shift tabs - select the Expenses tab which is the one with the '£' symbol on it. Next, click on '+add'.

2. Fill in the expense details such as name, amount and add a comment if you wish. To finish, click 'Save'.

Good to know! Expense description and amount are mandatory fields to fill.

3. The added expenses will now show under the Expenses tab as unconfirmed and you can approve it straight after adding it or the expense can be approved by another admin.

5. The confirmed expenses will also show on the Pay Run report and the Invoicing report.

6. You can also view, add and delete expenses on the Shifts List page. Click on the shift to open the sidebar and find the Expenses tab.

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