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Adding & Filling Positions

Add shift, add position, events, event shifts

Riko Muttik avatar
Written by Riko Muttik
Updated over a week ago

After basic information has been added to the event you can start adding positions and jobs for it.

To add positions and jobs to the event you can do in two ways:

First option is within the event 'Calendar' page. Click on the existing event that you want to add positions to and next click on the '+add' button highlighted in red.

After you have clicked on the '+Add' button another pop up box will be displayed to you where you have to enter all necessary information about the required position: position, the number of staff, personal or position rate, the date and the time and so on.

After you have added all positions and information required for them to be created, click on the 'Go to scheduling' at the bottom of the pop up window where you will be redirected to the scheduling page.

The other way to add positions to the event is to go to the event overview page, which you can access when clicked on the event name within the pop up window.

The system will redirect you to the detailed event overview page by default to the positions tab. To add position/s you need to click on the 'Add position' button located on the top right corner.

After you click on the 'Add position' button same detailed position table will be displayed for you to fill in.

After you have added positions here you can fill the open shifts for this event. The position that needs to be filled is the big green box - on the left side of it you can assign staff members and the right side is for employees who have been confirmed for this shift. If there are any staff members who have applied for the shift themselves, they will show up in the corresponding 'Applied by staff' areas.

On the far right hand side of the page there is a list of all your staff members and also a bit of their weekly schedule so you can see what they have going on the days before/after and during this event.

Please Note! Before you start filling the positions, make sure you have approved the event - otherwise you can't create shifts. If you have yet to approve the event, there will be a red "Approve" button in the top of the Positions section. Click on that - now you have approved the event and can start assigning staff members.

To assign an employee to a position:

1. find the staff member you want to assign to this position from the employee list on the right hand side of the page;

2. drag their name from the list into the right side of the green box.

What happens next depends on whether you left the "staff confirmation required" option on when creating the event.

  • If you DO need staff confirmation, they will get a notification on their page about the shift request and will have to either accept or reject it.

  • If you DON'T need staff confirmation, they will be assigned to this shift right away and will just receive a notification.

To remove the employee from the positions, just click on the 'X' on the top right corner of the staff box.

Please note! The system doesn't notify the staff members automatically when you assign them on this page - this is so that you can take your time deciding and change your mind if you want. When you're done assembling the team and are absolutely sure about the people you want to have covering these shifts, you need to send them a notification. To do this, click on the little icon in the lower right hand corner of their profile picture.

This will send a notification to the staff member that they can see in their own portal.

In the top right corner of the position box you can see how many people are needed and how many you've already assigned.

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