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Deducting from pay

Jobs, expenses

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated this week

Jobs are available for customers on the Premium plan and up.

Expenses are available for customers on the Professional plan and up.

From time to time there might need to enter a deduction to your Pay Run report and the best way do to it with PARiM is via 'Jobs' or Expenses.

Job method:

Open your Schedule page and enter a job with the minus amount you would like to deduct for the specific person, position and client. Please follow the steps:

  1. Look up the person and right-click on the day

  2. Next, please choose from the drop-down menu 'Add Job'

  3. Fill in the deduction details - amount with a minus, location, position and click on Save

  4. Open the Job and mark it as done

Now the deduction is available in the Pay Run, Revenue Summary and Invoicing reports.

Expense method:

  1. Look up the person and click on the shift

  2. Switch to the expenses tab on the right

  3. Fill in the expense details - the name for the expense, the amount with a minus and the reason. Then click on Save.

  4. You will also need to press Unconfirmed on the created expense in the shift menu and select Approve from the dropdown menu to finalise

Now the deduction is available in the Pay Run, Revenue Summary and Invoicing reports.

How it´s shown on the reports:

Pay Run report - the deduction is displayed as follows:

Revenue Summary report - the deduction is displayed as follows:

The Invoicing report - the deduction is displayed as follows:

Good to know! A job can be added even if the person already has a shift for that day.

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