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How to edit or update pay or charge rule?
How to edit or update pay or charge rule?
Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over 2 years ago

The new Pay Rules in PARiM help you to build pay and charge rules with different time-related combinations for locations, positions, people and clients.

After you have added the rules to the system, you can also edit and change the details of the rules. This article additionally includes information about best practices on how to update your rule system.

1. Editing rules

Editing rules

When an already created rule needs to be updated or changed, then this can be done using ‘Edit’ functionality. Following rule details can be updated:

  • Rule name

  • Conditions - add and remove conditions

  • Rate(s)

  • Effective time - period of time for which the change applies to

Please follow the below steps to update a rule:

1. Please look up the rule from the rules list
2. Next, to open a rule view-only mode either simply click on the rule row or click on the three-dot menu beside the rule name and choose ‘Edit rule’.
3. Within the rule side-bar please click on 'Edit'  and all the editable fields will become active.
4. Make your changes and click on 'Save'

An example of rule editing

Edit rule - update the minimum wage rate starting from the 1st of April - please see the screen recording on how to update the rate changes starting from the 1st of April.

Steps that were taken in the screen recording to update a rule to have new rates starting from the 1st of April.

  1. Look up the rule and click on the rule name or ‘Edit rule’ option from the three-dot menu to open the rule side-bar

  2. Click on Edit

  3. Update the rates according to the new values starting from 1.04.202X.

  4. Add start date to be 1.04.202X for ‘Apply for period’

  5. Click on ‘Save’

  6. The rule is now updated and new rates applied to shifts

Good to know! When you update a rule and the rule change affects already created shifts, then warning dialogue will let you know the count of the shifts that will be automatically updated with new rule detail. 

Best practice

Editing pay rules changes all shifts affected by the pay rule including historical data. However, quite often you would need to keep the historical data accurate for reporting purposes. In that case simply editing the pay and charge rules is not the best option.

To keep historic Pay Run and Invoicing report data up to date, you would need to set an end date for the existing rule and then create a new rule with the new rate. The steps would be as follows:

  1. Look up the rule and click on the rule name or ‘Edit rule’ option from the three-dot menu to open the rule side-bar

  2. Click on Edit

  3. Set an end date to the pay or charge rule, for example 31.03.202X

  4. Click on ‘Save & Apply’

  5. Click on the drop-down menu next to Edit button and select Copy.

  6. Edit the Copy of the rule to have a start date of 1.04.202X and potentially a new end date as well.

  7. Update the pay or charge rate.

  8. Click on ‘Save & Apply’

  9. The new rule is now set up and historic shift and report data remains unchanged.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us at or contact us through the chat function in PARiM.

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