Editing your profile

edit profile, profile, personal, details, upload, document, picture, photo

Joonas Ärmpalu avatar
Written by Joonas Ärmpalu
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to edit your profile in PARiM:

1. How can I edit my profile?

Web portal

All the profile details can be edited in the web portal:

  1. Click on your name in the top-right corner

  2. Select "My Profile"

  3. Click on the "+ add" or "edit" buttons within the section you are looking to update and save the changes:

Mobile app

Some (but not all) profile details can also be edited in the mobile app:

  1. Select "More" in the bottom-right corner

  2. Click on your name at the top of the page:

  3. Click on "Edit" in the top-right corner:

  4. Click on a detail you wish to change and change it

  5. Once you've updated everything, click on "Save" in the top-right corner:

2. How can I upload a profile picture?

The profile picture can only be uploaded from the web portal:

  1. Click on your name in the top-right corner

  2. Select "My Profile"

  3. Click on your initials/profile picture in the top-left corner of your profile:

  4. Drag and drop the file to the relevant area or click on the area to select a file from your computer:

  5. Crop/rotate the image, if necessary, and select "Done":

3. How can I upload a document?

Documents can only be uploaded from the web portal:

  1. Go to "Documents":

  2. Drag and drop the files to the relevant area or click on the area to select files from your computer:

  3. Add a description to the documents (optional) and click "Upload":

You can see the documents you've uploaded and the documents your employer has uploaded (and made visible to the employees) under "Documents".

If you are experiencing any problems when editing your profile, you should first contact your employer directly, as PARiM customer support does not directly manage any employees. You can find your employer's contact details by going to "More" > "Contacts" in your PARiM mobile app. If there is a technical problem or a bug, your employer should contact us directly.

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