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Event import

Import events with CSV file

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over 3 years ago

On the Events page, you have an overview of all the events you or your clients have created. You can also view, filter by site or department and edit detailed information about the events as well as fill the required positions.

With PARiM you can also import your events main information - the import option can be found in the top right corner of the page - just upload a .csv file directly into the PARiM environment and match the information according to the system.

You are able to import the following Event information from your CSV file columns, the ones in bold are mandatory:

ID/Unique identifier

This is meant to be a unique way of identifying the event in the file for the system. Usually, using growing numbers would be the easiest way to handle this.

Client ID
Client Name

The Client ID is able to be set on the Client profile details page.
The Client name is the name assigned to the client profile.

Location ID


Location Name

When creating Locations, PARiM generates their IDs automatically, which can be seen on the URL subject line when on the Location profile.
The Location Name is the name assigned to a location.

Area ID


Area Name

When creating Areas under Locations, PARiM generates their IDs automatically, which can be seen on the URL subject line when on the Area profile.
The Area Name is the name assigned to a location.

Start Date & Time

Both the date and time need to be in the same cell and you would need to use the same formatting that you have set in the PARiM Company Settings.

Only 15-minute increments are supported for the times 00, 15, 30, 45.

End Date & Time

Both the date and time need to be in the same cell and you would need to use the same formatting that you have set in the PARiM Company Settings.

Only 15-minute increments are supported for the times 00, 15, 30, 45.

#Ref. No

Reference number that can be used as another way to track events instead of the Title.


Event description. Can also use this space to provide general instructions to employees.


For any website you would wish to share related to the event.

Event Manager ID

The employee ID for the Manager in PARiM handling this event. These IDs are set up on the employee profile details pages.

Event Approved?

Does the Event start in an Approved state? Can be: 0 or 1, No or Yes, N or Y. Not case sensitive.

Please follow the steps to import Events:

  1. Please first prepare your CSV file with row A for your column headings

  2. After you have prepared the document click on the ‘Import' on the Events page and look up/drag the document for upload

  3. When the document is uploaded match the fields by dragging and dropping.

  4. Click 'Preview' at the right lower corner and if you have uploaded information successfully all of the events should have a green tick next to them. If instead of the tick you see 'x' icon click on the line and correct highlighted information. You can also ignore those incorrect fields by ticking 'Ignore all rows with errors', however, information will then not be uploaded to the system.

  5. Click ‘Finish’ and the software will upload it for you.

  6. See your Events uploaded on the ‘Events’ page and you can start to add shifts to them.

How to get Location and Area IDs:

For Locations, the ID is visible next to the Location name. If it is not there, it can be added by clicking on the Address section, in the new popup window there will be an option to add the Location ID among other details.

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