Notification Settings

Notifications, emails, messages, SMS, open shifts, push notifications

Riko Muttik avatar
Written by Riko Muttik
Updated over a week ago

Notification settings allow you to choose which notifications you want your staff, supervisors and admins to receive. This article will give an overview of how to manage notifications or alternatively let your employees manage their own notifications.

1. Setting up notifications via System Settings

Follow these simple steps to set up inßapp push, email and SMS notifications:

  1. Hover over the torso icon at the top right corner of your screen

  2. And click onto ‘System Settings’ button

  3. Choose the ‘Notifications’ from pages sub-categories

  4. Click on the slide box to turn the options 'ON' or 'OFF'

Our mobile app notifications are visible in System settings but the decision whether they are turned on or off is made by employees in their app settings.

There is one exception of new open shifts notifications which you can turn on in system settings to automatically inform staff about new open shifts directly in PARiM mobile app.

Important: Please also note that in order to enable notifications for 'New open shifts', you need to toggle on 'Notify "People" of any activity in their Schedule' in System Settings => Notifications, Scheduling section.

2. Allowing people to self-manage notifications

If you prefer to let staff decide which notifications they get, you can set all the notifications settings to 'ON' and let your people to choose how they would like to be informed about their new schedule and its’ updates. You will be able to see their personal notification settings displayed on their profile.

If you do not have SMS notifications available but would like to have this functionality activated for your company please go to System Settings > Subscriptions and fill out a form to request SMS & Voice module activation.

If you have any questions about notifications, please contact support by messaging us via chat bubble on the right or send an email to

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