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Smart Schedule - Overview

Scheduling, publish shifts, assign shifts, notify about open shifts, send schedules, schedule, calendar

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over a week ago

The Schedule is where you can do everything scheduling and shift related like creating shifts and patterns, assigning shifts, sending schedules, notifying people about available shifts and more.

This article gives you an overview of the Schedule -  where is what and how to find and use particular features and functions.

The second article will introduce the scheduling functionalities, for example, how to copy shifts and perform actions for multiple shifts in one go. This can be found here.


On the left-hand side, you will find filters which are there to help you find the locations, shifts or events that you want to work with. For example, if you want to manage a particular event you can add the Events filter to find it and the schedule will only show shifts and people related to that event. You can also add filters for Shift Status, Role, Personal Rate, Client and many others.

Please read in more detail on 'How to use the filter bar?'

Historical Shifts 

Available from the Professional plan.

With 'Add filters' you can choose to view 'Historical shifts' which stand for Rejected Applications and Declined Requests. These will give an overview of whose shift applications have been rejected and which staff has declined the shifts that have been offered to them.

The rejected applications are displayed in the original colour of the shift but striped through and with red edges whereas the declined requests are displayed always in red colour and striped through as well.  Click on them to see more detailed information.

People Sorting options including Proximity sorting

Available from the Professional plan.

The sorting function allows you to sort people by what's most relevant to you and by which order you need to see them on the Schedule. You can sort by First or Last name, Total or Confirmed Hours (the latter includes only assigned and confirmed shifts whereas the former also includes pending shift requests and applications) and by Proximity.

Proximity Sorting orders people by their distance from the Location or Event and will also show the proximity in kilometres under their names in the People List. Please note! To use the Proximity Sorting you will firstly need to select a location or an event after which the Proximity Sorting will appear on the sorting list.

Time Period Views

The Schedule has 1-Day, 2-Day, 1-Week, 2-Week, 4-Week, 1-Month and 3-Month views available. You can also easily select specific dates to view by clicking on the calendar icon - it will open a calendar where you can select the day or week you want to view.


Under Tools, you will find various functions for scheduling and for an overview of possible problems as well as statistics. See them all explained in more detail below.

Find out more from this article:

1. Select Mode

Allows you to perform actions for multiple shifts in one go - you can copy multiple shifts to another person or time period, accept multiple shift applications or delete shifts in one go. When the Select Mode is ON a blue bar appears on the calendar and if any shifts are selected the possible actions will show on this bar.

2. Timeline View

Displays the exact duration of shifts, absences and unavailabilities. This function is especially helpful if you're managing overnight shifts as it will give a clear indicator of where one shift ends and another one starts.

3. Conflicts

Choose whether you want to show or hide the conflict indicators on the calendar. The conflicts include work and rest time rule violations, missing qualifications, expired visas, banned sites and more.

4. Statistics Bar

Available from the Professional plan.

Gives an overview directly on the Schedule calendar of how many shifts and hours have been assigned or are still open, the total hours covered for an individual and for the time period. The green row stands for confirmed shifts, the yellow for pending shifts that are still waiting to be confirmed and the blue stands for the open shifts which have not yet been assigned to people.

5. Labor costs

Available from the Premium plan.

Displays the Total Shift Pay on the Statistics Bar as well as under a person's name to give an overview of the Labor Cost.

Publish & Send

Under 'Publish & Send' button you can publish schedules for employees and subcontractors, notify people about open available shifts as well as send general messages.


You can add notes about people directly on the Schedule page - the notes you add here will also appear on the Person's Profile in the Notes section and won't be visible to the employees themselves. Simply click on the three dots next to the person's name and from the options choose 'View notes'.

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