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Reports Overview

Reports, data, CSV file, running reports, export data, Payroll, Revenue Summary, Timesheet Summary, Time Clock, Position Coverage

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over 10 months ago

PARiM offers a wide range of reports for managers to be able to track various aspects of company processes over a specific period:

  • people's attendance & absences

  • budgets spent

  • clients invoicing

  • revenue made

Most reports are under the 'Reports' tab. Finance-related reports can be found in the Pay & Charges tab.

Other pages such as the People page, Shifts list, Timesheets list, Absences and Timesheet table also serve as reports since they can be exported.

List of reports

Each of the reports will give an overview of a specific subject. Please find the short summary of the main reports below:

Absences calendar gives you an overview of the holidays, sick leaves and other absences.

Absence summary summarises absences over periods to give you an overview of different holiday years and other periods.

Only available in the Premium plan and higher.

Timesheet Summary gives you an overview of the actual shift times which come from the Time Clock page and are based on when a person clocked in or out of the shift.

Only available in the Professional plan and higher.

Time Clock allows you to view the ‘‘problems’’ with the shifts, for example, the lateness and overtime.

Available in the Premium plan and higher.

Pay Run has all the necessary information on it for running payroll. You can customise the report as needed and choose whether you want to include scheduled or actual shift times within the System Settings under Pay Manager. The report can then be exported as a CSV file and imported into payroll software. More about Pay Run report.

Available in the Professional plan and higher.

Position Coverage compares planned positions with allocated ones in terms of hours, rates and charges. Additionally, it allows you to monitor your % coverage by rate range, location or event. The report also works out your planned gross margin as it is based on planned Schedule data.

Available in the Premium plan and higher.

Revenue Summary shows you what you should be charging your client by day, week, month or location and is based on actual shift hours.

Available in the Professional plan and higher.

Action History allows you to track any action or change made in the system, for example, if an employee has been deleted from the system and you need to find out who and when performed this action then the Action History report will help you find that information. More about Action History report.

Available in the Professional plan and higher.

Invoicing report contains the data needed to create invoices for your clients on a single page. You can further export it as CSV and import it directly into accounting software. The report can be found under the Pay & Charges tab. More about Invoicing report.

Available in the Premium plan and higher

Checkpoints report provides an overview of checkpoint usage for shifts with routes, for example, for guard patrols. More about Checkpoints report.

Available if subscribed to the Checkpoints module.

How to customise report views

Each of the reports can be customised based on your company's needs and for that PARiM offers different options on how to look up the information. 

1. Filter - filters help you narrow down the data to find exactly what you´re looking for. You can select the time period, department or a specific event and so on.

2. Grouping - all the reports have an option to choose how you want to group the
information together. The available options can be found under the grouping icon at the top of the report (three horizontal lines).

3. Columns - select which information you want to include on the report. From the
Columns options (thee vertical lines on top of the report) you can choose the relevant columns by ticking or unticking them.

4. Sorting - it is possible to sort the columns by clicking on the column name. An arrow will then appear next to it to indicate in which order the column is currently sorted.

5. Save view - if you have certain filters, grouping and columns which you use often you can use the ‘‘Save view’’ function which will save all this information for you. You can name and save the view and then use it later to avoid having to select and set everything again on the report. The saved views can be applied from under the ‘‘All shifts of the last week’’ filter.

Exporting reports

The reports can be exported from PARiM as a CSV file. This option can be found under the blue Actions button. You can choose whether you want to export it with the currently displayed columns or the detailed version where all the columns are included.

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