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Company Terms & Conditions - Overview
Company Terms & Conditions - Overview

Data & Privacy. How to add, edit and change terms for employment type

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over 2 years ago

Please note that this functionality is available starting from the "Premium" plan.

PARiM software allows you to set up terms and conditions for each of the employment types separately and ask your employees to accept the terms electronically via the Staff portal. Terms of employment are are usually the responsibilities and benefits of a job as agreed upon by an employer and employee at the time of hiring.

The Company Terms & Conditions can be found in the Data & Privacy section within System Settings

Click on the torso icon on the right-hand side upper corner on the main blue menu bar and choose System Settings from the drop-down menu. Next, click on the Data&Privacy to access the Terms&Conditions section for employment types.

On the Data & Privacy section you can:

  • Add Terms & Conditions - to add the terms for the first time, please click on the name field and copy/paste the conditions for the employment type. Next, please click on 'Save' and if you want your employees to see the terms on the Staff portal, then please switch ON 'Accepting is required'.

  • Update Terms&Conditions - click on the term name to open the conditions for an update. Once you have made your changes you can simply 'Save' the changes or use 'Save' and 'Save and Require Re-Acceptance from Employees'. 

Good-to-know! Save only updates the conditions without notifying the staff and save with re-acceptance will ask the staff to accept the terms again and there will be a mark that they have accepted the updated terms. Save with re-acceptance is shown only when the previous version was already accepted by some of the employees.

  • Turn 'Accepting required' ON or OFF for the staff - click on the term name and switch the Accepting required ON or OFF. Terms&Conditions for the employment type will be visible in the Staff portal if the Accepting required is switched ON.

Good to know! All the employment types that have been added to the system will be automatically added to the list on the Data&Privacy page for their specific conditions.

How to check who and when has accepted company Terms&Conditions?

1) People list - add 'Terms' as a visible column for the list and then hover over the 'Accepted' word to see when the employee accepted the terms

2) Employee profile - under the Employment tab there is information on when and which terms the specific employee has accepted

When does staff need to accept or re-accept terms?

1) Staff will need to accept terms when the acceptance is required for the employment type terms that have been added to their profile - this applies when a new employee is added by admin, a new employee joins via 'Join our team' functionality. 

2) Staff will need to re-accept terms for their employment type if the terms are updated and admin saves the changes with re-accepting is required. This save will remove the previous acceptances and staff need to re-accept by logging in to Staff portal

3) Staff will be asked to accept terms if the employment type is changed on their profile - they will need to accept the terms for the new employment type separately.

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