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An overview of System Settings

system settings, onboarding, self-service, settings

Alo Leilop avatar
Written by Alo Leilop
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of this article is to give a high-level overview of System Settings together with explaining some not-so-obvious options. System settings are there to help you customize PARiM to fit your organisation's needs.

We also have a webinar recording of PARiM System use that goes over system settings (and more) in depth.

If you have follow-up questions, contact support through the chat bubble.

Table of contents

1. Company Settings

1.1 General

1.2 Departments

2. Scheduling Settings

2.1 Calendar Settings

2.2 Shift Assignment

2.3 Shift Cancellation

2.4 Shift Reminders

2.5 Work & Rest Time Rules

3. Time & Attendance

4. People Settings

4.1 General

4.2 Employment Types

4.3 Positions

4.4 Qualifications

4.5 Health

5. Client Settings

6. Absence Settings

7. Pay Manager

8. Invoice Manager

9. Role Permissions

10. Notifications

11. Financials

11.1 Pay Rules

11.2 Charge Rules

1. Company Settings

The Company section lets you set up basic details about your company and departments.

1.1 General

Most of the settings are self-explanatory. Hovering the mouse over the small (i) icon will show an explanation of each setting.

Operational details are meant for internal use and company details are visible for external contacts via the client portal.

You can also upload your company logo under the settings.

1.2 Departments

Here you can create department tags and review the list of existing ones. These allow you to divide your organisation into smaller sub-divisions. For example, you could create departments based on actual departments, cities, areas within cities etc.

More info on how departments work can be found HERE.

2. Scheduling Settings

Calendar Settings let you configure how the Calendar page looks and create shift tags.

Shift Assignment lets you define rules on how shifts are assigned and to toggle conflict warnings.

Shift Cancellation has a few settings to decide if and how shifts can be cancelled and it also lets you define cancellation reasons.

Shift Reminders allows setting up shift reconfirmation.

Work & Rest Time Rules allow setting up rules and attaching them to specific Employment Types.

2.1 Calendar Settings

Settings here can help you save some time when creating new shifts.

Shift title lets you choose how shifts are named on the calendar page. The option becomes available when you activate the Events module.

Calendar week start is useful if your organisation's workweek does not start on a Monday as it changes the calendar view to match.

Work day start & end time allow you to set up default start and end time when setting up shifts on the calendar page.

Calendar day view start time allows defining the day start time for 1-day and 2-day calendar views.

Default shift break length allows you to set up a default break when creating a shift from scratch.

You can set up, edit and delete shift tags here.

To see how you can use shift tags, check out THIS article

2.2 Shift Assignment

Making multiple requests for the same open position is used when assigning shifts in the Events module. The first employee to accept will get the shift. For it to work, the setting person's confirmation required for new shift needs to be turned on as well.

If people can apply for open shifts is turned on, employees will be able to see open shifts and apply to them as soon as they are created. If it's turned off, employees will not see the shifts until they have been assigned and published.

If require position, qualification or preferred person match are turned on, employees who do not pass the requirements will not be able to see the shifts with those requirements.

People can apply for multiple concurrent shifts allows employees to mark multiple shifts as suitable for them and an admin user will get to select which shift they get.

People can manage unavailability allows reducing admin workload by allowing employees to select if they are available or unavailable to work themselves.

When conflict warnings are turned on, shifts on the Calendar page will be highlighted when a shift is assigned to someone who does not meet the criteria.

If the conflicts are not visible on the Calendar page after turning on the setting, make sure they are not turned off on the Calendar page.

2.3 Shift Cancellation

Enabling Explanation Required On Shift Cancellation will turn the explanation from optional to mandatory.

Enabling People Can Cancel Shifts will allow employees to cancel shifts up to 24h before their shift starts. The cancelled shifts move back to the open shifts area on the calendar page.

Records of the employees cancelling shifts can be found under the Action History report.

Shift cancellation reasons are split into two categories. The 4 options on the left are hard-coded and always active.

However, you can add more reasons and set them active or inactive.

2.4 Shift Reminders

This system setting allows defining how many hours before the shift the employee gets a reconfirmation request. Once the reconfirmation request has been sent, the shift turns brown on the calendar page until the employee has accepted the request.

You can also decide if people can reject shift reconfirmations and if people can do reconfirmation related actions via SMS (Voice & SMS module needs to be turned on for this).

Deciding whether reconfirmation requests are sent or not is based on location or event. The setting for locations can be found on each location's page.

The default setting is 24h, but it can be changed within system settings to something else between 1 and 72 hours.

For events, the reconfirmation request can be turned on when setting up the event or editing event details.

2.5 Work & Rest Time Rules

Maximum Working Hours can be defined based on your country's legislation and company processes.

You can create rules with different combinations of:
- Maximum hours
- Period (shift, day or week)
- Age
- Employment types

You can also toggle the rules to be active or inactive and decide if staff can opt-out.

Rest & Breaks at Work can be set up in a similar fashion.

You can create rules with different combinations of:
- Period (per shift, per day, per week or between shifts)
- Rest (measured in minutes or hours)
- Age
- Employment types

You can also toggle the rules to be active or inactive and decide if staff can opt-out.

3. Time & Attendance

For these settings to be visible, Time & Attendance needs to be turned on.

Turning on Time & Attendance module turns on Allow people to clock in. In the standard version of PARiM, you can turn it off with toggling. In the beta version, the only way to toggle clocking in off is to unsubscribe from the module.

Timeclock Actions Allowed in Staff Portal should be turned off if clocking in location is tracked. Mobile browser positioning is often highly inaccurate.

Enable "Send my location" for people adds a button to mobile apps that allow the employee to send a snapshot of their current location via the app. For it to work, the employee also needs to give the PARiM app the right to acess their location.

If break not clocked, deduct break according to scheduled break length makes administrator life easier when employees forget to clock in their break.

Geofencing settings are currently only available in the beta version but will be available to all clients in time.

To learn more about the functionality, click HERE.

Settings let you choose if geofencing is turned on and to decide when employee location is checked.

Approval Required by Supervisor and People Must Confirm Timesheets let you decide if Timesheets need to be reviewed by Supervisors or Employees. If both settings are disabled, Timesheets will be approved automatically.

Allow Automatic Timesheet Approval For Unchanged Shifts can be enabled to reduce the admin workload.

4. People Settings

People settings allow you to pre-define different information that will be available on the People -> Employees page and under personal profiles.

4.1 General

Person's Name Format lets you choose if any lists that contain employee names are sorted by first or last name.

Enabling People Can Join Team On Login Page will make it possible for potential employees to initiate creating a profile on the company login page. This will reduce administrator workload for high turnover businesses.

Show Supervisor Contacts To Staff lets you choose if employees are able to view their manager's contact details in the app or staff portal. This option is only available in the Beta version.

Clicking on the Staff Portal FAQ allows creating a document that is visible to all employees to cover frequent questions that employees tend to ask.

Allow two-factor authentication over SMS is available in the beta version and requires Time & Attendance module to be enabled. It allows employees without smartphones to benefit from the extra security that comes with 2FA.

Language selection allows you to add all relevant languages that can benefit your business. Employees can select the languages they know during profile selection or later update their profile.

Regions allow you to create region tags that can be used to group employees by location. Employees can then select their region(s) during profile creation or later on their personal profiles. Admin users can filter staff by region on the Employees page.

4.2 Employment Types

Employment types allow defining different employment types within the system that can later be assigned to individual employees.

Standard employment type is always active. If you don't specify employment type when adding a new employee, they are assigned Standard employment type by default. Other employment types can be deactivated when no longer needed.

Employment types can be named and re-named if needed including the Standard employment type.

Pay Schedule can be selected from a list that is available in System Settings -> Pay Manager or it can be defined when creating or editing an employment type. You can also opt to not define a pay schedule, in that case, the employment type will not show in the Pay Manager report.

Absence tracking can be either on or off for the employment type. This setting requires the Absence module to be active. Absences themselves are managed in System Settings -> Absence Settings.

Work & Rest Time Rules are defined in System Settings -> Scheduling Settings -> Work & Rest Time Rules. For each employment type, you can select which rules apply.

The last column will show how many employees have been assigned to a specific employment type.

4.3 Positions

Positions are roles within your organisation. In the standard version of PARiM, pay and charge rates for each position are defined here. In the beta version, all pay and charge rules have been moved to the Pay and Charge Rules under the Pay Manager page.

For each position, you can define the colour of the shifts, the name of the position and a short code of the role.

4.4 Qualifications

Depending on your organisation, certain jobs may require specific qualifications like first aid training or an SIA badge. You can also use it to track things like Covid vaccinations.

When adding the qualification to an employee, you can choose the expiry date and get notified on the Employees page when a certificate is expiring. More info can be found HERE.

You can choose if employees can add and edit a qualification. If not, only admins will be able to add that specific qualification to an employee's profile.

4.5 Health

You can define health conditions that are relevant to your organisation. Either to check who is eligible for glasses compensation or to make sure that a supervisor knows the basic steps to give first aid to their team members with specific conditions.

Employees are able to select the pre-defined health conditions when creating or editing their profiles.

5. Client Settings

You can choose if clients can see jobs, timesheets and checkpoints(coming soon) in the PARiM client portal.

You can also set up a FAQ in the client portal and decide if it's visible to clients.

Sector tags are created here and can be added to clients on the Locations -> Clients page.

6. Absence Settings

To see most absence settings, the Absences module needs to be enabled. If the module is disabled, only the Bank Holidays section will be available.

Holiday Year Start Date will define the date when a new annual holiday allowance is generated.

Day Start-End Point is used to define full-day absences. Half Day Point will determine where the day is split in half if you want to Allow Half Day absences.

Holiday Allowance Tracking is done in either Days, Hours or Accrued. Holiday Allowance Accrue Percentage lets you define the % of each worked hour that goes towards holiday allowance (the standard is 12.07% in UK). Annual Holiday Allowance lets you define the allowance in days or hours.

Carry Over Outstanding Balance? allows you to decide if the allowance from the previous year moves over including a negative balance. Maximum Holiday To Be Carried Forward allows adding a limit to carried overbalance.

If Split Absences Pro-rata Between Pay Periods is turned off, absence pay will be fully paid out at the end of the first relevant pay period. When turned on, holiday pay will be split pro-rata between all relevant pay periods.

Here you can create and edit absences.

There are three types of absences in PARiM - Holiday, Sickness and Other. The main difference is that Holiday will deduct from holiday allowance while Sickness and Other do not.

If the absence is paid, you will have three options how to set it up:
1) Absence Type Rate absence type is used then this pay rate and paid hours per day will auto-apply to all your employees.
2) If you use the Holiday Allowance Rate then the system takes the personal holiday allowance rate defined on the employee profile.
3) When using Personal Pay Rate in the beta version then the personal rate defined in Pay Rules will apply for the number of hours you specify in the absence settings. In the standard version, the personal pay rate is defined on the employee profile page.

For a short guide on how to set up an absence, click HERE.

Setting up bank holidays is done manually, but it's a fairly simple process.

7. Pay Manager

The Pay manager settings allow setting up pay schedules and configuring a few important settings.

Enabling People Can Add Expenses can reduce admin workload.

Use Scheduled Hours in Pay Run can be helpful if staff is not reliably clocking in and out on time.

Timesheet Pay Period lets you decide which timesheets will be included in a pay period:
- Timesheet date is in the period that means that the shift has to take place during the selected pay period time frame.
- Supervisor approval date is in the period. If you use approval requirements then you can only include timesheets that were approved by a supervisor during the selected pay period.

- Supervisor and staff approval dates are in the period that means that the pay period will be based on the first approval, either from an employee or an admin user.

Pay schedules can be defined here to later attach them to employment types under People settings -> Employment types. More information on Pay Schedules can be found HERE.

8. Invoice Manager

Use Scheduled Hours in Invoicing report can be helpful if staff is not reliably clocking in and out on time or you simply want to use the Scheduled hours to ensure those hours are always used.

9. Role Permissions

These settings are used to change administrator portal access rights for the 4 predefined administrator roles - Location Supervisor, Department Supervisor, Manager and Superadmin. HERE is an overview of system roles.

Superadmin has full access to everything within the system and therefore changes cannot be changed. Other roles have a mix of hard-coded and editable rights. The table below describes the rights you can change under each subsection of rights.


You can change if Managers have access to financial information.


You can decide how much access to data do Supervisor roles have and if Managers can help employees with login issues.


Rights under this category are hard-coded.

EVENTS (Events module needs to be enabled)

You can decide if Department Supervisors can add, edit or remove events.

ABSENCES (Absences module needs to be enabled)

You can decide if Supervisors can manage absences.


You can decide if Department Supervisors can manage documents.

ASSETS (Assets module needs to be enabled)

You can decide if Supervisors can manage existing assets.


You can add or remove access to any reports for Supervisors and Managers.


You can decide if Supervisors and managers can see Pay Run report and if Managers have access to Pay Lock functionality.

10. Notifications

PARiM has 3 types of notifications - email, SMS and mobile app.

Notifications settings can be managed on an individual level on the profile page by the employees, but this is not always optimal. You can also manage the types of messages people get under system settings which override the individual settings.

SMS notifications require SMS & Voice module to be turned on.

Mobile app notifications can't be toggled on or off on in System Settings except for for the notification about new open shifts becoming available. Employees can choose to turn these notifications on or off.

Reply To Email For People Notifications allows you to define an operational reply-to email where staff responses are sent if they write back to automated messages.

Notifications are divided into 9 categories:









You can find a short help article about notification settings HERE.

11. Financials (beta)

This subsection contains pay and charge rules lists with all possible combinations of the rules. The order of the rules also apply to holiday versions of pay and charge rules.

For each shift, only one pay rule can be applicable for obvious reasons. However, it is possible that the multiple pay or charge rules apply to a particular shift. The lists exist to determine the priority of the rule by drag & drop, only highest priority rule applies by default.

You can find more information about Pay & Charge rules HERE.

11.1 Pay Rules

This page contains the list of all pay rules.

11.2 Charge Rules

This page contains the list of all charge rules.

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