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Absence requests
Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated this week

People can request their own absences in the Staff portal if you have set up your Employment Types with Absence tracking ON. Your employees will be displayed the absence types you have added to the system and published.
Please find below the process flow for absences requested by staff until approval by admin.

In the admin portal, you will get a notification of a new absence request on your dashboard in the 'Action required' section.

Clicking on the Absence Requests notification will display some details about it, like so:

To accept or reject an absence request click on 'View All'. This will take you to the Absences list where you can open the absence by clicking on the pen icon.

Next, a window will open with the absence request details where you can choose to Delete, Reject, Approve or Save the changes in the request.

The person who requested the absence will get a notification about the decision about their absence whether you've approved it or not.

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