With PARiM Mobile Absence management feature you can quickly and easily manage people's absences via PARiM mobile app. On this page, you will find how to request, edit, view and cancel the absences.
Adding an absence for an employee
In the PARiM mobile app navigate to the 'People' tab and search for the employee name to whom you want to assign the time off. Tap the ' + ' symbol in the top right corner and choose 'Add absence'. Now you can choose the desired absence period and type.
Add a comment (if necessary) and press the "Save" button. You will now see the saved absence period under the 'Absences' section on the employee's profile on the app.
Editing and deleting absences
If you choose to manage the absence such as period length or type, go to the "People" tab and search for the employee's name. Open their profile and select the "Absences" tab. This section displays the absences overview for this employee such as days off requested, how many days are left and allowed in total.
To cancel an absence tap on it under the "Booked" section and press on the red "Delete" button at the bottom. A pop-up confirmation window will request your consent to complete the action.
Approving employee requested absences
On the PARiM app under the "Schedule" tab press on the lightning icon in the top right corner. This is the page that will show all the pending action items. It consists of two tabs - Timesheets and Absences. Slide to the right in order to view the absences that are pending confirmation. Tap on the absence to view its details and you now have the possibility to "Approve" or "Delete" it. Once finished, the employee will receive a notification about their absence request having been approved or rejected.
Adding absence to yourself as a manager or administrator
In the PARiM app go to "Schedule" and click on the start date of your absence. Tap on the " + " icon in the top right corner and select "Request time off". The same process can be done via "More" tab and pressing the " + " icon there.
Add a comment if necessary or required and tap the "Save" button to immediately confirm it.