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Assets Management Module Overview

assets, assets management, inventory

Alo Leilop avatar
Written by Alo Leilop
Updated over 10 months ago

This article describes the functionality in Assets Management module and is meant to serve as a how-to guide to the module.

To gain access to the functionality, you need to subscribe to the Assets module.

1. What is the module used for?

The Assets Management Module allows you to keep track of different work-related equipment that is given to employees. Be it t-shirts, key cards or company laptops.

Under an employee profile, you get an overview of company assets held by an individual. You can view, add and return company assets.

Under Assets page, you can see all of the company assets, who they are assigned to and if there are any assets in stock. You can also look at assets history and get an overview of assets written off.

In System Settings => Role Permissions you can decide what kind of access Location and Department Supervisors have to asset management.

Manager and superadmin roles have full access to the module by default.

2. Quick module setup

Step 1: Add assets on the assets page.

Step 2: Assign the assets to individual employees on assets page or on employee profile page.

There is a dedicated article that covers this that can be found here.

​3. Assets page

Assets module page gives you an overview of assets held by your organisation, who they are assigned to and different actions taken by your team. It also allows you to take asset related action such as assigning, returning and writing off equipment.

3.1 Module filter

On top of the screen you can switch between assets that you have and write-offs.

The filter allows you to search assets by name, assigned cash value, whether they are assigned to someone or not and by name of the employee the item was assigned to.

3.2 Assets list

Clicking on the name of the asset takes you to the Asset Details page, the functionality is explained in 3.5

​➣ Value lets you track the approximate value of the asset.
​➣ Status shows you if the asset is in stock or signed out to an employee.
​➣ Signed out to shows who currently has the asset or who was the last person who had it.
​➣ Signed out shows the date when the asset was last given out to an employee.
​➣ Return date shows the date when the asset was returned.
​➣ The small pen icon takes you to the Asset Details page.

You can also select how many assets you want to see on the page.

3.3 Assets history

Asset history gives you an overview of recent asset-related actions.

Action date is a timestamp that shows the time when the asset was taken.
➣ ​Asset shows which asset the action was taken with. Clicking on it will open the Asset Details page.
​➣ Comment contains a description of the action that was taken.
​➣ Action by shows who took the action with the asset.
​➣ Form contains either an automatically generated asset release or return form if relevant.
➣ Clicking show more loads 10 more entries. It can be selected multiple times.

3.4 Additional actions

Add allows you to add new assets to Parim. It takes you to Add Asset page that is further described in 3.6.

After selecting an asset you can take Write Off and Delete actions. The difference between the options is that writing an asset off moves it to Write-Offs. Deleting an asset removes it from Parim entirely.

3.5 Asset details window

Clicking on a name of the asset brings up it's details. You can delete, update and sign out or return the asset.

Deleting is straightforward and deletes the asset entirely.

Updating takes you to update asset window where you can change details of the asset and add descriptions or notes.

Sign out button extends asset details with a release form that allows you to assign the asset to an employee. If the employee needs to pay a deposit, it is tracked here. Pressing

Sign Out assigns the asset to the employee and generates an asset release form that can be found from the Asset History.

Return asset button does not require input. Pressing OK brings the asset back to stock and generates an asset return form.

On the right side of the screen you can look at asset history for the specific asset. Any forms generated can be reviewing here by clicking on the small PDF logo.

3.6 Add asset window

On Add Asset page you can add new assets either as single items or in bulk. You can define name, value, if deposit is required, warranty expiry date and amount of assets. Description and notes can be added as well. When dealing with computers, serial numbers or references can be entered.

4. Assets management under employee profile

Under employee profile you can find Assets tab that gives an overview of assets held by the employee and asset history. Clicking on the name of the asset takes you to asset details page.

If the employee is currently holding assets, you can select an asset and click on return button. Pressing ok will return the asset to stock and generate a return form.

Pressing + Add will open a window that allows adding an asset without leaving employee profile. You can add more than one item at a time by clicking on add button.

If you have any questions about the module that were not covered by this article, please write to support using the chat bubble or send an email to

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