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Adding Events
Riko Muttik avatar
Written by Riko Muttik
Updated over a week ago

To add and manage events you need to go to the 'Event' page.

To add a new event you need to simply click on the 'Add New Event' on the top right hand side corner when on any 'Event' page view.

After you click on the 'Add New Event' a pop up box will be displayed to you where you need to enter all necessary details about your new event.

Fields marked with the red star '*' indicates mandatory fields.

The event creation window has three main parts:

1. The event 'Title', which will be displayed on the Event calendar page.

2. Main details about the event; such as the starting date and time, who is a client, where does it take place, you can even add a website of the event or assign a manager or add any additional comments for your staff to view.

3. At the bottom of the event creation window you can find three event settings:

  • 'Staff confirmation required' - If you leave it off, set to 'No', your staff will get a notification about being assigned to a shift, but you don't need them to accept it. If you leave this option on to 'Yes', you will have to wait for staff members to accept their shifts when you assign them to the event.

  • 'Show shift' - means that all shifts/positions that you require for this event will be visible to all, connected to this event, staff to apply for, without you having to schedule them manually.

  • 'Approved' - if you haven't approved the event, left the last slide box set to 'NO', the shifts and an event will be visible only to the admins and on the calendar view this event will be displayed in blue.

When you're done with entering all the information required and chose from the options, click 'Save' - your event is now created that you can find on the events calendar.

See also how to:

Back to the Events menu

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