New trial accounts contain preinstalled sample data. This article covers what has been created and how to remove it once it is not needed anymore. Should you require a clean account, without the sample data, you can reach out to us and let us know.
1. Overview of the Sample Data
The purpose of the sample data is to show how the product works and how the data is summarised in other parts of the product such as the Timesheet Summary report. Reports will give you an overview of how your (sample data) team is doing and help you better understand how interacting with different parts of the system affects and/or represents the data.
Note that some of the functionalities (mainly Reports and System Settings) are tied to the subscription plan - the higher the plan you have, the more functionalities will be available. Should you desire to compare the data, please find the Subscription page under your profile icon (superadmin role required).
2. The Contents of Sample Data
All the entities created, as part of the sample data, include “SAMPLE” in their name. You will find the following:
Employees hold one or more positions that determine their work responsibilities. The sample data includes two positions:
PARiM allows multiple locations where work takes place. These locations can be different addresses or areas within a building. The sample data includes three locations:
Clients are the entities for whom the work is performed—typically businesses that require a service. Clients and locations are connected. The sample data includes two clients:
People in the system can have different roles. You are the superadmin, while sample employees are regular employees/staff members who take shifts. The sample data includes:
SAMPLE Benjamin Miller
SAMPLE Charlotte Jones
SAMPLE Emily Smith
SAMPLE Grace Davis
SAMPLE James Johnson
SAMPLE Olivia Williams
SAMPLE William Brown
Pay rules
Pay rules are used to automatically calculate employees’ wages. The sample data includes:
Charge rules
Charge rules define the charges applied to clients. The sample data includes one charge rule for each client.
Shifts are a core entity in PARiM. Each shift must have a location and a position. Shifts can be created manually or automatically using patterns—repeating shifts based on a set formula.
The sample shifts are generated using patterns, covering a period starting two weeks before and extending one week after the creation of the trial account. You can view shifts on the Schedule > Calendar page or on the Shifts Lists page.
3. Deleting sample data
This section covers how to remove the entities created, which include “SAMPLE” in their name, from the system. You will find instructions on how to remove the following:
Connections between entities
Since data in PARiM is interconnected, deleting entities will have consequences - sometimes permanent*:
• Shifts require a position and a location—deleting either will also remove the shift.
• Clients may be linked to pay rules or charge rules—removing a client will also remove its associated rule, which may impact shifts (though shifts themselves will remain).
*While People, Positions, Clients, Locations, and shifts can be recreated, the shift data will be permanently lost (i.e. the clocking data, action history). Not to worry as this is sample data and can be (should be) deleted, but please be mindful going forward.
Navigate to Locations → Locations → SAMPLE Warehouse
Click Actions → Delete location permanently
Check all required checkboxes
Repeat the same steps for the other sample client.
Navigate to Locations -> Clients
Click the bin icon to delete each sample client
Check the Delete all 1 Charge rule
Repeat the same steps for the other sample client.
Go to People → Employees
Select all names with “SAMPLE”
Click With selected → Terminate
Filter by Terminated people (on the left)
Select all terminated employees (same steps as above)
Click With selected → Delete person
Go to System Settings → People Settings → Positions
If required, select the Industry (e.g. Security)
Delete all positions that include “SAMPLE” in their name
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If you have any questions about the sample data that were not covered by this article, please write to support using the chat bubble or send an email to