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How to reinstate a Previous Employee?

Start contract, reinstate employee, previous employees, employment period

Margot Seesmaa avatar
Written by Margot Seesmaa
Updated over 6 months ago

This article explains how you can reinstate a previous employee, who has been Terminated and how to turn their Access on.

1. Reinstate a Previous Employee

To reinstate a previous employee you will need to locate them on the People > Employees page while having the Terminated filter turned ON, select their account and make their contract active again, and finally turn on the Access.

1. Navigate to the People > Employees page

2. Go to the 'Terminated' list and find the person.

3. Next, go to the person's profile and navigate to the 'Employment' tab and to the Contract section. Click on 'Add' or 'Edit' to open the Contract dialogue window.

Please choose 'Add' if you would like to add a new contract to the employee and 'Edit' if you would like to remove the previous contract's end date.

3.1 Add. If you would like to add a new contract, then after clicking on 'Add' in the window that opens you can select the Employment Type and add the Contract Start date. This will make the person's contract active again and they will show up everywhere in the system and on the Schedule calendar for scheduling.

3.2 Edit. If you would like to edit the current terminated contract, then after clicking on 'Edit' in the window that opens set the Contract End date to the future or remove it entirely. This will make the person's contract active again and they will show up everywhere in the system and on the Schedule calendar for scheduling.

Once the Contract is added, you only need to turn on the Access for the staff member.

2. Giving Access to a staff member

Once you have reinstated a staff member, You can give (or take away) access from employees on their profile or on the People > Employees page at any time.

Single member access

The Access settings can be changed for a single employee on their profile page. On their main information section, right next to their profile image, you will see a toggle button for Access. To grant or revoke access, just click on the toggle and confirm.

Grant/revoke Access for multiple staff members

Want to grant or revoke access from several people at the same time? Go to the People > Employees page, and click on the Access Column header to rearrange by Access revoked at the top or bottom.

Then click on the Access toggle button and either 'Grant access' or 'Revoke access' and confirm the action. This will complete the chosen action on the people you have selected.

Please note: Every time you grant Access to a person, they will receive an email with their new login information.

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