The purpose of this article is to give an overview of how to set up qualifications and put them to use in your system.
Qualifications can be used to filter the available shifts visible to employees by having a requirement for them.
For example, a Shift manager at a certain site needs to have a valid First Aid training certificate to do shifts in that role as they are responsible for the employees at that site and for first aid in case of emergencies.
Another example is that for a guard to work at shifts, they need to have a valid SIA Badge based on the regulatory requirements, which can also be managed through Qualifications so you can always feel secure that people are seeing and applying for shifts that they are qualified for.
Setting up Qualifications in your PARiM environment.
Please follow the article on this topic to set up your own custom qualifications.
Assigning Qualifications to employees.
To make sure an employee qualifies for the requirement, they need to have the Qualification added based on your company policies, whether it is a company-specific training, an outside certificate or something else.
Adding Qualifications to Locations to create a requirement.
To create a requirement for Shifts, you need to add that Qualification to that Location, which applies to all of its shifts.
Reviewing Qualifications
Unless you are using Qualifications without an expiry date, you will also need to regularly review upcoming expiry dates and take action accordingly to ensure they get updated in time.
Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at or through the chat window in PARiM.